The Facts About Sex Ed in the United States
29 states
Mandate sex education in public schools, with just 22 requiring the information to be medically accurate.
93% of parents
Support sex education being taught in middle school, and 96% support it in high school.​
85% of youth
Aged 15-24 believe sex education should cover a broad range of topics, including relationships, consent, and contraceptive use.
Fewer than 10
States require sex education to be inclusive of LGBTQIA+ youth, even though 12% of high school students identify as LGBTQIA+
Sexual education often misses key topics or is exclusionary, leaving out marginalized populations.
This results in poor knowledge and worse health outcomes for youth.
We provide sexual health content for adolescents that is medically accurate, inclusive, and culturally competent.
Our content embraces diversity in images, language, and curricula.
We equip participants, educators, and health professionals worldwide with the tools to deliver effective sexual health education.
We leverage Dr. Ramsey's expertise in adolescent medical care.
We provide inclusive and empowering sexual health education.
We use vivid imagery and social media content to promote sexual health.
This combination of medical knowledge, education, and content creation results in unique and relevant sexual health resources.